Pros In Different Area Codes: How to Train a Remote Employee

Company HQ is in Nowheresville, USA. But that incredibly talented, can’t-live-without-’em prospective employee isn’t. Now more than ever, that isn’t a problem. But the new arrangement also presents a few challenges. How do you train an employee you’ve never met? How can you be sure they’re doing work that’s on par with what your in-house team is doing? Consider these tips created in this infographic with Mindflash.

Pros In Different Area Codes: How to Train a Remote Employee


What Would Facebook Look Like at the North Pole?

Facebook is the global leader in staying connected, and just before your parents figured out what a ‘Facebook’ is all about, Kris Kringle got in on the action and joined as well. Columnfivemedia has created this infographic with Flowtown as a fun look at what Santa Claus’ Facebook stream looks like this time of year


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