Infographic :The Ultimate Guide to Social Media Image Sizes in 2020

These days, getting someone to stop scrolling and take a closer look at your post is easier said than done.

When it comes to social media marketing, your best bet is to show users an eye-catching image that immediately stands out from everything else in their feed.

However, if you want this to work, you need to make sure that your image is the right size. Otherwise, it will be a distorted mess that pushes people away instead of pulling them in.

Table of Contents

Here sizes are going to cover seven major social networks:








Infographic :The Ultimate Guide to Social Media Image Sizes in 2020

Facebook or SEO: Which is Better?

Facebook and SEO are the two main options for small businesses looking to promote their website online. While they share some similarities, they are more different than they are alike, and this infographic aims to set the two spart and compare their pros and cons with facts. These facts and statistics about Facebook marketing will help a business owner make an informed decision when investing into their online marketing.

Infographic Source:-


Facebook facts

The rise of Facebook madness is really something which no body can ignore. It is very tough to find someone in this planet who is not a member of Facebook. From a high school student to some one more than 80 years old every one is subscriber of this social media. Even professionals are also using Facebook for increasing their business. Facebook is considered more addictive than cigarette and alcohol.

Facebook has also become the third largest video website with 46.6 million viewers sitting behind number one ranked property provider Google with its YouTube site and Yahoo at second ranking.
Last year Facebook surpass Google for the top ranking for total time spent online. Asians are the hardcore user of Facebook followed by America and European countries. For some of us their day start with surfing Facebook and also end their day doing the same.

Facebook facts


What Would Facebook Look Like at the North Pole?

Facebook is the global leader in staying connected, and just before your parents figured out what a ‘Facebook’ is all about, Kris Kringle got in on the action and joined as well. Columnfivemedia has created this infographic with Flowtown as a fun look at what Santa Claus’ Facebook stream looks like this time of year


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